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Acme Minster Carpet


Per M²
Room Estimator
Use the form below to get a rough idea of how much it will cost to fit your room with this flooring.
Room length in metres (e.g. 5.2)
Room width in metres (e.g. 3.4)
Total Area =  
Number of threshold bars*
Usually one per single door
Select threshold bar type
Estimated Price: £

Please Note! The room calculator should only be used as an approximate guide to price. We are happy to provide an accurate estimate of costs on request.



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This is the description. This is the description. This is the description. This is the description. This is the description. This is the description. This is the description.

Additional information


Beige, Green, Red, Rust


Stain Resistant, Suitable For High Traffic Areas

Suitable For

Bathroom, Bedroom, Conservatory, Hall, Kitchen, Lounge, Stairs

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